Allegheny Blackberry

Rubus allegheniensis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

American Bellflower

Campanulaceae americanum | Annual | Blooms June-November | Secure | Native

American Germander

Teucrium canadense | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Apple Blossom

Malus pumila | Annual | Blooms Early Spring | Secure | Introduced

Black Eyed Susan

Rudbeckia hirta | Perennial | Blooms July-October | Secure | Native

Bleeding Hearts

Lamprocapnos spectabilis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Blood Root

Sanguinaria canadensis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Blue Beauty Iris

Iris ensata | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Celandine Poppy

Stylophorum diphyllum | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Clustered Blacksnakeroot

Sanicula odorata | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Common Milkweed

Asclepias syriaca | Perennial | Blooms May-August | Secure | Native

Common Mullein

Verbascum thapsus | Biennial | Blooms June-October | Secure | Introduced

Common Poppy

Papaver rhoeas | Annual | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Common Violet

Viola sororia | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Common Yellow Oxalis

Oxalis stricta | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Cream/Hairy Rockcress

Arabis pycnocarpa | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Culver's Root

Veronicastrum virginicum | Perennial | Blooms June-August | Secure | Native


Narcissus daffodil | Perennial | Blooms March - April | Secure | Introduced

Dame's Rocket

Hesperis matronalis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Dame's Rocket

Hesperis matronalis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced


Taraxacum officinale | Perennial | Blooms March - October | Secure | Introduced

Downy Yellow Violet

Viola pubescens | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Early BLue Violet

Viola adunca | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Field Mustard

Sinapis arvensis | Annual | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Field Thistle

Cirsium discolor | Perennial | Blooms August-October | Secure | Native

Garlic Mustard

Sinapis arvensis | annual | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Glory of the Snow

Chionodoxa siehei | Perennial | Blooms March-April | Secure | Introduced

Grape Hyacinth

Muscari armeniacum | Perennial | Blooms March-April | Secure | Introduced

Large Flower Bellwort

Uvularia grandiflora | Perennial | Blooms March-April | Secure | Native

Large Leaf Waterleaf

Hydrophyllum macrophyllum | Perennial | Blooms March-April | Secure | Native

Lenten Rose

Helleborus orientalis | Perennial | Blooms March-April | Secure | Introduced

Lesser Periwinkle

Vinca minor | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

May Apple

Podophyllum peltatum | Perennial | Secure | Native

Meadow Salsify

Tragopogon pratensis | Biennial | Secure | Introduced

Orange Day Lilly

Hermerocallis fulva | Perennial | Blooms July-August | Secure | Introduced

Oxeye Daisy

Leucanthemum vulgare | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Poet's Daffodil

Narcissus poeticus | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea | Perennial | Blooms May-August | Secure | Native

Purple Hyacinth

Hyacinthus orientalis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Introduced

Purple Nettle

Lamium purpureum | Annual | Blooms March-April | Secure | Introduced

Queen Anne's Lace/Wild Carrot

Daucus carota | Biennial | Blooms June-November | Secure | Introduced

Red Clover

Trifolium pratense | Perennial | Blooms May-November | Secure | Introduced

Red Clover

Trifolium pratense | Perennial | Blooms May-November | Secure | Introduced

Eastern Redbud Bloom

Cercis canadensis | Deciduous Shrub | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native


Silphium trifoliatum | Perennial | Blooms July-September | Secure | Native

Rue Anemone

Thalictrum thalictroides | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Shooting Star

Dodecatheon meadia | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Spring Beauty

Claytonia virginica | Perennial | Blooms Early | Secure | Native

Spring Beauty

Scilla siberica | Perennial | Blooms July-September | Secure | Introduced


Cardamine hirsuta | Biennial | Blooms Spring and Summer | Secure | Native?


Saponaria officinalis | Perennial | Early Spring | Secure | Introduced

Squirrel Corn

Dicentra canadensis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Toad Shade

Trillium sessile | Perennial | Blooms Spring | At Risk | Native

Trout Lily

Erythronium americanum | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Twin Leaf

Jeffersonia diphylla | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Endangered | Native

Virginai Bluebell

Mertensia virginica| Perennial | Blooms Spring | Not Endangered | Native

Wild Bergamont

Monarda fistulosa | Perennial | Blooms June-August | Secure | Native

Wild Blue Phlox

Phlox divaricata | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Wild Cherry Blossom

Prunus serotina | Deciduous Tree | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Wild Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Wild Comfrey

Cynoglossum virginianum | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native

Yellow Marsh Marigold

Caltha palustris | Perennial | Blooms Spring | Secure | Native